10 Aug Samantha Moodley Women’s Month Appreciation
Yes you guessed it! It’s Women’s Month! And we would like to show the world what our female engineers can do! The South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers would like to introduce to you, its very own, Samantha Moodley!
Samantha Moodley is the current SAIAE Western Cape Branch Chairperson!
She holds a BSc Eng (Agricultural Engineering) and MSc Eng (Agricultural Engineering) from UKZN and is a registered Professional Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
She has expertise in the implementation of large irrigation schemes, animal infrastructure and stock watering farm dams.
She has experience in construction administration, project management and project procurement.
Samantha’s passion involves helping others and the development of the country. It is then no surprise that she took up a position in the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform in Cape Town.
Quote: “We do not serve the world, or ourselves, by ‘playing small” – Marianne Williamson, author and life coach