CPD Courses & Webinars

Courses & Webinars

SAIAE periodically presents webinars and courses for continuous professional development (CPD) of members and other built environment professionals. Please contact the SAIAE office to access courses or arrange in-house training for your organisation.

CPD Courses

SAIAE periodically presents webinars and courses for continuous professional development (CPD) of members and other built environment professionals. Please contact the SAIAE office to access courses or arrange in-house training for your organisation.

Latest and Upcoming CPD Courses 

SAIAE Symposium and Biennial CPD Event

An Introduction to GIS for Engineers

An Introduction to Food Safety and Hygiene for Agricultural Engineers

General Conditions of Contract Management

Design of Agricultural Packhouses

Design of Biogas Digestors


3 Days

2 Days

2 Days

2 Days

2 Days

2 Days

CPD Points







Past Trainings

Water Resource Planning in Agriculture

Dam Safety in the Agricultural Environment

Fundamentals of Energy Management Opportunities in Agriculture

ECSA Registration Process for Candidate Engineers, Technologists and Technicians.

Small Scale Hydro Power Plant Design Operation and Maintenance

Financial Metrics for Energy Management Feasibility Studies

Holistic Energy Management

Full Production Cycle of Manufacturing of Drip Pipes

The Status of the Water Resources within the Inkomati-Usuthu Catchment

Farm Silo Structural Design

Dam Safety in the Agricultural Environment


3 & 4 May 2021

25 & 26 May 2021

4 & 5 August 2021

11 May 2022 & 12 May 2022

22 July 2021

24 June 2021

29 October 2020

10 September 2020

18 August 2020

11 August 2020

Solar PV Series

5 monthly sessions

Different solar PV systems for farms

Solar PV design principles

Solar PV compliance and quality assurance

Solar PV system design calculations and O&M

Realistic Solar PV finance and benefits


27 August 2020

15 September 2020

13 October 2020

10 November 2020

08 December 2020

CPD Accreditation

SAIAE is a recognised ECSA CPD Licensed Body in terms of section 4 of the CPD Standard (ECSA-01-STD) and is therefore delegated to verify CPD Service Providers and validate CPD Category 1 Activities. ECSA Category 1 CPD Activities are structured/developmental educational activities that include Conferences, Congresses, Large group workshops, Lectures, Seminars, Refresher courses, Colloquiums, E-Learning, Relevant additional and completed accredited qualifications at benchmark level or above, Completed postgraduate qualifications. The award of credits is based on notional hours of the CPD Activity. In essence, 10 notional hours is equivalent to 1 credit. A full day of activity is regarded as 10 notional hours.

How to apply for CPD accreditation of your event

In order to apply for CPD accreditation for your event, please provide the following:

  1. Proposed program indicating speakers and duration of each speaker
  2. CVs of each speaker (including a brief of the speaker’s planned content/presentation slides will assist with the evaluation)
  3. Complete ECPD 2 Form and
  4. Provide a template of feedback evaluation forms that will be given to attendants for feedback on the course.
  5. Provide information and documents required in ECPD 7 form (To be signed by SAIAE)
If your application is successful, you will be required to do the following:
  1. During the CPD event:
    1. Record names and ECSA registration numbers of all attendees. b. Have all participants fill out a feedback form c. Issue a certificate to all persons who successfully complete the event.
    2. 1 week after the CPD event: a. Send a list of all persons who successfully completed the training to SAIAE. Please include names, ECSA registration numbers, and the number of hours of training completed. b. Send copies of the filled feedback forms to SAIAE.
Please join our mailing list to be informed when more CPD courses are available.
Contact us to suggest a topic of interest for future courses.