13 Sep Profile of Andrew Butler
Attention all!!! We at The South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers have an engineer we would like to introduce and appreciate!
Our engineer of the week for this round is Andrew Butler!
Andrew Butler is the SAIAE KZN Branch Chairperson! Andrew holds an MSc degree in Agricultural Engineering and is registered as a PrEng with the Engineering Council of South Africa.
Andrew runs his own consulting engineering company, African Crake Projects (Pty) Ltd. which provides engineering design and contract management services in the fields of potable water supply, sanitation, irrigation, and environmental engineering. He has managed numerous projects within these fields over the past 19 years and has also more recently become involved in specialized areas such as water and wastewater treatment.
He is passionate about producing high-quality, cost-effective engineering solutions on any project that he is involved with.
Quote: “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40, v31.