30 Aug Dr. Alaika Kassim Women’s Month Appreciation
Posted at 13:57h
in SAIAE News
Attention Attention! It’s that time of the week again and that could only mean one thing! Yes! It’s time for The South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers to recognize a phenomenal engineer!
We are proud to introduce to you, Dr. Alaika Kassim!
Alaika Kassim is an SAIAE KZN Branch Committee Member and former Branch Chairperson!
She holds a BScEng, MScEng, and PhD in Agricultural Engineering, all attained at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
She was the first female lecturer in Bioresources Engineering at UKZN in February 2017
Her PhD was on postharvest technology with her thesis entitled “Development of a Small-Scale In-Field Integrated Postharvest Citrus Treatment Unit”.