Land And Water Engineering

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume I: Land and Water Engineering

CIGR. 1999. Land and Water Engineering. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.

1.1.1 General Chapter 1

National Soil Conservation Manual, Directorate: Soil Conservation and Drilling services. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.2 Calculations / Berekenings (Chapter 2)

Conservation and Drilling Services. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.3 Hidroulika (Hoofstuk 4)

Mathee, JF and Strumpher, PJ, 1989. Hidroulika (Hoofstuk 4). Direktoraat: Gondbewaring en Boordienste, Department van Landbou end Watervoorsiening, Silverton, Suid-Afrika.

1.1.4 Estimation of Runoff

Mathee, JF, Koch, EU, Schmidt, EJ & Brandt, DJ, ?. Estimation of Runoff. Directorate: Agricultural Engineering and Water Supply, Department of Agricultural and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.5 Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses (Chapter 6)

Mathee, JF, Smithen, AA (revised by Russell, WB), ?. Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses. Directorate: Agricultural Engineering and Water Supply, Department of Agricultural and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.6 Grondbewaringsbeplanning (Waterafloopbeheerplanning) / Soil Conservation Planning (Runoff Control Planning) (Chapter 7)

Mathee, JF & van Staden, HJ, 1989. Direktoraat: Gondbewaring en Boordienste, Department van Landbou end Watervoorsiening, Silverton, Suid-Afrika.

1.1.7b Soil Conservation Planning (Runoff Control Planning) (Chapter 7)

Mathee, JF & van Staden, HJ, 1989. Directorate: Soil Conservation and Drilling Services. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.7 Beskerming Van Bewerkte Lande (Chapter 8)

Van Staden, H, Smithen, AA, ?. Direktoraat: Gondbewaring en Boordienste, Department van Landbou end Watervoorsiening, Silverton, Suid-Afrika.

1.1.8.b Design of Contour Banks (Chapter 8.3)

Van Staden, H, Smithen, AA, ?. Directorate: Soil Conservation and Drilling Services. Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, Silverton, South Africa.

1.1.8 Run-off Control Planning on Pineapple Lands

Kieck, NF, Denyer, B, 1986. Eastern Cape Region, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply.

1.1.9 Inleading tot Grondbewaringstrukture / Introduction to Soil Conservation Works (Chapter 10.1)

Brandt, DJ, Jacobs, SW. van Coller, AT. Von Wielligh, NE. Dreyer, EC. King, HE. Roets, AJ. van Staden, JJ. Koch, EU., 1997. Geutuitlaatstrukture (Chapter 10.7)

Van Wyk, EB., 1992.

1.1.11 Skanskorfstrukture Ontwersphandleiding (Hoofstuk 10.8)

Van Wyk, EB, Roets, AJ and King, HE, 1996.

1.1.12 Grondbewaring Langs Paaie (Hoofstuk 12.4)

1.1.13: Mathee, JF and Russell, WB

1.2 A Primer on Soil Conservation

Matthee, JFLG & van Schalkwyk, CJ (1984). A primer on soil conservation. National Department of Agriculture, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 126.

1.3 Conservation of Farmland in KwaZulu-Natal

NDA (1998). Conservation of farmland in KwaZulu-Natal. National Department of Agriculture, Pretoria, South Africa.

1.4 Standards and Norms for Soil and Water Conservation Planning in Natal

Cedara Agricultural Development Institute, 1993. Cedara Report No. N/A/93/32, Department of Agriculture.

1.5 Development of Technical and Financial Norms and Standards For Drainage Of Irrigated Lands (Vol 3): Guidance for the Implementation of Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Projects in South Africa

Reinders, FB, Oosthuizen, H, Senzanje, A, Smithers, JC, van der Merwe, RJ, van der Stoep, I and van Rensburg, L (2016). Development of Technical and Financial Norms and Standards for Drainage of Irrigated Lands. WRC Project No. K5/2026//4. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

1.6 Standards and guidelines for conservation & environmental management in the South African Sugar Industry.

SASA (2002). Standards and guidelines for conservation & environmental management in the South African Sugar Industry. South African Sugar Association, Mount Edgecombe, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

1.7 Ondergrondse Dreinering

Direktoraat: Landbou_ingenieurswese en Watervoorsiening, 1984. Department van Landbou and Watervoorsiening.

1.8 Fluitjiesriet as Herwinnings Gewas/ Common Reed as a Reclamation Plant

Gereyvenstein, FS and de Villiers, CPM, 1975. Report E.1/1975.

1.9 Spaansriet as Herwinnings Gewas

Gereyvenstein, FS and de Villiers, CPM, 1975. Report E.2/1975.

1.10 Spanish Reed as a Reclamation Plant

Gereyvenstein, FS and de Villiers, CPM, 1975. Report E.2/1975.

1.11 Visual SCS-SA User Manual

Schulze, RE, Schmidt, EJ and Smithers, JC. 2004. Visual SCS-SA User Manual (Version 1.0). ACRUcons Report No. 52. School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, RSA.

1.12 Guidelines for irrigation water measurement in practice

van der Stoep, I, BenadƩ, N, Smal, H and Reinders, F. 2005. Guidelines for irrigation water measurement in practice. Report No. TT 248/05. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

1.13 Design rainfall and flood estimation in South Africa.

Smithers, JC and Schulze, RE. 2003. Design rainfall and flood estimation in South Africa. WRC Report No. 1060/01/03. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, RSA.

1.14 Standards and guidelines for improved efficiency of irrigation water use from dam wall release to root zone application

Reinders, F, van der Stoep, I, Lecler, N, Greaves, K, Vahrmeijer, J, BenadƩ, N, du Plessis, F, van Heerden, P, Steyn, J, GrovƩ, B, Jumman, A and Ascough, G. 2010. Standards and guidelines for improved efficiency of irrigation water use from dam wall release to root zone application: Main Report. Report No. TT 465/10. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

1.15 Development of Technical and Financial Norms and Standards for Drainage of Irrigated Lands

Reinders, FB, Oosthuizen, H, Senzanje, A, Smithers, JC, van der Merwe, RJ, van der Stoep, I and van Rensburg, L. 2016. Development of Technical and Financial Norms and Standards for Drainage of Irrigated Lands. WRC Project No. K5/2026//4. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

1.16 Plaasdamme

Schultz, FP, 1981. Plaasdamme / Farm dams. Division of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agricultural Technical Services.

1.17 Farm dams

Schultz, FP, 1981. Plaasdamme / Farm dams. Division of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agricultural Technical Services.

1.18 Reclamation of bare patches and sparsely covered veld by progressive cultivation methods

Viljoen, L, & Smalberger, B. Reclamation of bare patches and sparsely covered veld by progressive cultivation methods. 108. Department of Agricultural Technical Services. Silverton, South Africa.

1.19 Bekamp donga-erosie met paalkruise / Combat donga erosion with pole jacks

Greyvenstein, FP and de Villiers, 1978. Engineering E.3/1978. Division of Agricultural Engineering, Silverton, Pretoria.

1.20 Irrigation design manual (Planning and design of irrigation systems) / Besproeiingsontwerphandleiding (beplanning en ontwerp van besproeiingstelsels)


1.21 Besproeiingsbedryfshandleiding (installering, bestuur en instandhouding van besprstelsels) / Irrigation User's Manual (installation, management and maintenance of irrigation systems)


1.22 Besproeiingsontwerphandleiding / Irrigation Design Manual on cd (pdf-format)


1.23 Besproeiingsbedryfshandleiding/Irrigation Users' Manual on cd (pdf-format)


1.24 The efficient use of labour in sprinkler irrigation systems


1.25 The effects of wind on sprinkler irrigation


1.26 Aspects to consider when selecting sprinklers for use in irrigation systems


1.27 Critical elements which influence the efficiency of small-scale farm sprinkler irrigation systems


1.28 Water harvesting techniques


1.29 Reƫnvalopvangstegnieke


1.30 Laedruk vloeibeheerklep


1.31 Treatment of low quality water for drip irrigation systems


1.32 Voedingsbesproeiing


1.33 Investigation into materials for lining of canals


1.34 Ondersoek na material vir kanaalbelyning


1.35 Besproeiing met dieremiswater


1.36 Irrigation with animal manure water


1.37 Petrol-aangedrewe besproeiingspomp vir beginnerboere / Petrol-driven irrigation pump for emerging farmers


1.38 An evaluation of some irrigation methods for small vegetable gardens in remote rural areas


1.39 Handleiding vir die evaluering van besproeiingstelsels / Manual on the evaluation of irrigation systems


1.40 Grondwatersensors / Soil water sensors


1.41 A guide to manufacturing the kit treadle pump


1.42 Affordable round dam for farms (A do-it-yourself manual)


1.43 Irrigation made easy (training manual)


1.44 Alternative small-scale irrigation technologies for domestic utilization and production use


1.45 The performance and care of drip irrigation emitters


1.46 Die ingenieursaspekte betrokke by ondergrondse drupbesproeiing / The engineering aspects of sub-surface drip irrigation


1.47 Technical aspects and cost estimating procedures of surface and sub-surface drip irrigation systems: Volume 1

Reinders, FB, Oosthuizen, H, Senzanje, A, Smithers JC, van der Merwe, RJ, van der Stoep, I, Van Rensburg, L, 2016. Development of technical and financial norms and standards for drainage of irrigated lands: Volume 1: Guidance for the Implementation of Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Projects in South Africa. WRC Project No. K5/2026. Water Research Commision, Silverton, South Africa.

1.48 Technical aspects and cost estimating procedures of surface and sub-surface drip irrigation systems: Volume 2

Reinders, FB, Oosthuizen, H, Senzanje, A, Smithers JC, van der Merwe, RJ, van der Stoep, I, Van Rensburg, L, 2016. Development of technical and financial norms and standards for drainage of irrigated lands: Volume 2: Guidance for the Implementation of Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Projects in South Africa. WRC Project No. K5/2026. Water Research Commision, Silverton, South Africa.

1.49 Technical aspects and cost estimating procedures of surface and sub-surface drip irrigation systems: Volume 3

Reinders, FB, Oosthuizen, H, Senzanje, A, Smithers JC, van der Merwe, RJ, van der Stoep, I, Van Rensburg, L, 2016. Development of technical and financial norms and standards for drainage of irrigated lands: Volume 3: Guidance for the Implementation of Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Projects in South Africa. WRC Project No. K5/2026. Water Research Commission, Silverton, South Africa.

1.50 SAPWAT 4

Van Heerden, PS and Walker, S, 2016. Upgrade of SAPWAT3 as management tool to estimate the irrigation water use of crops. WRC Report No. TT 662/16, WRC, Pretoria, South Africa

1.51 SANRAL Road Drainage Manual

SANRAL. 2013. Road Drainage Manua (6th Edition)l. The South African National Roads Agency Limited, Pretoria, RSA.

1.52 Wetland Rehabilitation Methods


Animal Production

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume II: Animal Production & Aquacultural Engineering

CIGR. 1999. Animal Production & Aquacultural Engineering. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.

2.1 Plaas Heinings

Mathee, JF, 1990. Farm Fences (Chapter 16.1). Directorate: Soil Conservation and Drilling Services, Department of Agricultural Development, Silverton, South Africa.

2.1a Farm Fences

Mathee, JF, 1990. Farm Fences (Chapter 16.1). Directorate: Soil Conservation and Drilling Services, Department of Agricultural Development, Silverton, South Africa.

2.2 Watervoorsiening Vir Veesuipstelsels

Van Coller, AT, Koch, EU, Van Eeden, JD, Brandt, DJ & Van Wyk, EB, 1993. Watervoorsiening Vir Veesuipingstelsels. Direktoraat: Gondbewaring en Boordienste, Department Van Landbou, Silverton, Suid-Afrika.

2.3 Kommersiele beesvoerderye: beplanning en ontwerp

Combrink,CF and Henning, PA, ?. Afdeling Landbou-Ingenieurwese, Silverton, Pretoria.

2.4 Eenvoudige voekraal konstruksie en materiaallys vir skape

Henning, PA, 1983. Afdeling Landbou-Ingenieurwese, Silverton, Pretoria.

2.5 Hoofstuk 4: Lynpale en Sparre


2.5a Chapter 4: Standards and Droppers


2.6 Chapter 5: Straining, corner and gate posts


2.6a Hoofstuk 5: Trek Hoek en Hekpale


2.7 Chapter 6: Passageways through fences


2.8 Chapter 7: Erection of fences


2.9 Chapter 8: General information - Fencing


2.10 Specifikasies en vereiste vir the oprigting van subsidieerbare permanente elektrieses binneheinings (kragheinings)


2.11 Handleiding oor varkbehuising / Manual on housing for pigs


2.12 Ekstensiewe varkbehuising / Extensive pig housing


2.13 Pig housing: Plans for 20sow or 30sow or 50sow units


2.14 Afkoel van melkbeeste in Suid-Afrika


2.15 Mishanteringshandleiding vir intensiewe diereproduksie-eenhede in SA


2.16 Handleiding oor vleisbeesfasiliteite / Beef cattle facilities manual


2.17 Handleiding oor melkbeesfasiliteite / Dairy cattle facilities manual


2.18 Handleiding oor skaapfasiliteite / Manual on sheep facilities


2.19 Kleinskaalse braaikuikenbehuising / Small-scale broiler house


2.20 Verhitting van braaikuikens en braaikuikenhuise / Heating of broilers and broiler housing


2.21 Small-scale poultry housing in South Africa


2.22 Chicken housing: Plans for 1000 broilers, 2000 broilers and 3000 broilers


2.23 Chicken housing: Plans for 1000 layers, 2000 layers and 3200 layers


2.24 Landboustrukture en fasiliteite databasis

Verskaffers van vee/landbou toerusting

2.24a Agricultural structures and facilities database

suppliers of livestock/agricultural equipment

2.25 Norme vir moderne wildhanteringsfasiliteite / Norms for modern game handling facilities

suppliers of livestock/agricultural equipment

Plant Production Engineering And Aquacultural Engineering

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume III: Plant Production Engineering

CIGR. 1999. Plant Production Engineering. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.

3.1 Strukture en toerusting vir die opberging en hantering van graan op die plaas / Structures and equipment for the storage and handling of grain on the farm


3.2 Low-cost shade net structure


3.3 Ontwikkeling van ā€˜n outomatiese afrolskadunet vir glashuiskompartemente / Development of an automatic rolldown shade-net for glasshouse compartments


3.4 Riglyne vir rondebaalkuilvoer / Guidelines for round bale silage


3.5 Jukke vir dieretrekkrag / Yokes for animal traction


3.6 Animal traction implements


3.7 Beheermaatreƫls vir die voorkoming van wind-erosie in SA


3.8 Control measures for the prevention of soil erosion in SA


3.9 Barricades and small structures for the prevention of soil erosion


3.10 Faktore wat die terreinkeuse van 'n akwakultuuronderneming beĆÆnvloed


3.11 Factors that influence the choice of a site for an aquaculture enterprise


3.12 Gronddamme / Earth Dams


3.13 Handleiding vir die bou van ronde opgaardamme / Manual for the building of circular reservoirs


3.14 Bestryding van grond-erosie met slikheinings / Combating erosion with silt fences


3.15 Mechanisation basics: Tractor Maintenance (Training manual)


3.16 Mechanisation basics: Sprayers and spraying techniques (Training manual)


3.17 Mechanisation basics: Row crop planters (Training manual)


3.18 Mechanisation basics: Calculations and measurement (Training manual)


3.19 Werktempos van landbouwerktuie & trekkerwerkverrigting / Field capacities of agricultural machines & tractor performance


3.20 Bulk density of various products used as ingredients in animal feeds


3.21 Introduction to row crop planters


3.22 Tractor performance optimisation


3.23 Comparative review of technical specifications for no-till jab-planters


3.24 Kleinskaalse hooiverwerking in Suid-Afrika / Small-scale hay farming in South Africa


3.25 Die keuse van die tipe en grootte waaier wat gebruik word vir die groging van landbouprodukte / The choice and type of fan for use in the drying of agricultural products


3.26 Kunsmatige droging van lusern / Artificial drying of lucerne


3.27 Production of green lucern with a dehydrator system


3.28 Agricultural safety codes


3.29 The operation and application of mounted mowers


3.30 The operation and application of hay rakes and hay tedders


3.31 The operation and application of medium and big square balers


3.32 The application and operation of round balers


3.33 The application and operation of rotary tillers


3.34 Guidelines for buying a used tractor


3.35 The operation and application of subsoilers and rippers


3.36 The operation and application of chisel ploughs


3.37 The operation and application of disc-harrows


3.38 The operation and application of row-crop cultivators


3.39 The operation and application of mouldboard ploughs


3.40 The operation and application of potato equipment


3.41 Post-harvest management and storage of maize on small farms


3.42 The operation and application of disc ploughs


3.43 Basic mechanization planning (basic mechanization planning course manual)


3.44 Mechanisation costs in sugarcane production


Agro-processing Engineering

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume IV: Agro-Processing Engineering

CIGR. 1999. Agro-Processing Engineering. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.

4.1 Lae-koste melkverkoeling


4.2 Small-scale milking shed / Kleinskaalse melkstal


4.4 Houtskoolproduksie in verkolingsoonde / Charcoal production in kilns


4.5 Oil processing in South Africa


4.6 Oil seed processing using the ram press


4.7 The extraction of essential oils from herbaceous materials by steam distillation


4.8 The extraction of essential oils from herbaceous materials by steam distillation


4.9 Agro-processing of Citrus Fruit (Grapefruit, lemons, oranges)


4.10 Agro-processing of Dairy (Butter, cream, buttermilk, cheese, yogurt, milk and milk powder)


4.11 Agro-processing of Meat Products (Russians, tongue, hamburger patties, polony, frankfurters, bacon, ham, sausages)


4.12 Agro-processing of Berries, Volume 1 (Blackberries; Blackcurrent; Blueberries; Cape Gooseberries; cherries)


4.13 Agro-processing Engineering Processing of Berries, Volume 2 (Gooseberries; Raspberries; Redcurrants; Strawberries)


4.14 Agro-processing of Cereal Crops Vol. 1 (Maize, oats, rice)


4.15 Agro-processing of Cereal Crops Vol. 2 (Sorghum, wheat)


4.16 Agro-processing of Cereal Crops Vol. 3 (Barley, sesame, poppy seed, rye)


4.17 Agro-processing of Brassicas (Broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower)


4.18 Agro-processing of Deciduous fruit (Apples, apricots, grapes, pears, plums, peaches, figs)


4.19 Agro-processing of Olives and Legumes (green peas, green beans, cowpeas, lentils, olives, peanuts, mushrooms)


4.20 Agro-processing of Field crops (Chilli, bell peppers, tomatoes)


4.21 Agro-processing of Subtropical Fruit (Avocado, bananas, figs, guava, kiwifruit, litchi, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple)


4.22 Agro-processing of Oil Seeds (Soy beans, sunflower)


4.23 Agro-processing of Root Crops (Asparagus, beets, carrots, garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet potato, ginger, parsnip, kohlrabi, turnips)


4.24 Agro-processing of Textile Crops (Cotton, flax, hemp, sisal)


4.25 Agro-processing of Marine Foods (Fish products)


4.26 Agro-processing of Industrial Crops (chicory, coffee, sugar cane, tea)


4.27 Agro-processing of Herbs and Spices (Cinnamon, paprika, jojoba, parsley)


4.28 Agro-processing of Legumes (Cowpeas, beans, green beans, lentils, green peas, peanuts)


4.29 General food processing methods


4.30 Agro-processing of Snack Foods from Animal By-products


4.31 Agro-processing of Nuts


4.32 Agro-processing of fermented beverages - Beer


4.33 Agro-processing of fermented beverages - Wine


4.34 Agro-processing of Snack foods and Confectionary


4.35 Agro-processing of distilled beverages - Whiskey & Brandy


4.36 Agro-processing of regional and traditional fermented beverages


4.37 Agro-processing of Honey products


4.38 Manual on small-scale food processing (achar, jam, etc)


4.39 Solar Wax Extractor manual


4.40 Bou van permanente sloot- en bunkersilo's / Building of permanent trench and bunker silage silos


4.41 Handleiding vir die konstruksie van graansilo's vir plaasopberging / Manual for the construction of grain silos for farm storage


4.42 Plaasheinings / Farm Fences (Chapter 16.1 of NSCM)

Mathee, JF, Struck, HW and van Schalkwyk, CJ.

4.43 Beton op die plaas / Concrete on the farm

Mathee, JF, Struck, HW and van Schalkwyk, CJ.

Energy and Biomass Engineering

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume V: Energy and Biomass Engineering

CIGR. 1999. Energy and Biomass Engineering. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.

5.1 Biogas ontwerp en bedryfshandleiding / Biogas design and operation manual


5.2 Biogas vanaf beesmis / Biogas from cattle manure


5.3 Biogas purification / Biogas suiwering


5.4 Biogas toerusting / Biogas equipment


5.5 Wind Energy


5.6 Die konstruksie van 'n huishoudelike konveksie-sondroƫr (planne/sketse) / The construction of a domestic convection solar drier (plans/sketches)


5.7 Lae-koste houtgasopwekker / Low-cost woodgas producer


5.8 Solar water heating system (plans/sketches) / Sonwaterverwarmingstelsel (planne/sketse)


Information Technology

CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering - Volume VI: Information Technology

CIGR. 2006. Information Technology. ASAE, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.



Grasafleibane / Grass waterways